Artificial Intelligence

MagicSchool AI: An Educators Best Friend?

MagicSchool AI

In the fast-paced world of education, where time is a precious commodity, educators are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance their teaching experience. Enter MagicSchool AI, the groundbreaking educational platform designed to empower educators and make their lives easier, not harder. Navigating the vast capabilities of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, can sometimes feel like deciphering a magical spell. That’s where MagicSchool AI steps in, offering a wizardly array of prompts to guide educators through the enchanting possibilities at their fingertips. Think of it as your very own educational assistant, ready to unleash the full potential of AI in your teaching toolkit.

What’s the ultimate quest for educators? More time! MagicSchool AI is the enchanted key to unlocking that coveted resource. By seamlessly integrating with your existing knowledge and expertise, this platform empowers educators to craft lessons and activities with unparalleled speed and ease. Say goodbye to the days of drowning in overwhelming options – MagicSchool AI streamlines the process, giving educators the freedom to focus on what truly matters: the magic of teaching.

Favorite Tools:

Some of my favorite tools include the YouTube Video Questions, Colleague Song Generator, Rubric Generator, and Professional Email.

  • YouTube Video Questions: Oh this is a great one! Adding assessment questions to videos. This marks step one. I anticipate a future where the questions seamlessly integrate into platforms like EdPuzzle with the simple press of a button. All you need to input are the grade level, number of questions, question types, and the video URL.
  • Colleague Song Generator: Write a custom song about any topic to the tune of the song of your choice! You input some words about a person and the song into the generator, and it generates the text to the song with the appropriate syllables – just like that! A lot of fun with students and staff.
  • Rubric Generator: Generated rubrics can be a chore but it is so easy with this generator. By giving the generator the grade level, standard/objective, assignment title, description, and point scale.
  • Professional Email: Keeping emotion out of an email can be difficult when you are passionate about a topic. I find that I need to make emails a bit nicer or friendlier. At times, I need to ensure that emails, which could be perceived as negative, are as clear and emotionless as possible. Tone is so difficult to convey in text. The AI helps me do that.
  • Choice Board (UDL): I am a big fan of choice boards. It allows students to show their learning in a way that makes sense for them. This tools creates a choice board for a student assignment based on the principles of Universal Design. All you need are the Learning Goal, Standard, Objective, or Topic and grade level.

Chatbot: Raina

Despite the overall impressive features of MagicSchool AI, I have observed a slight limitation in its chatbot functionality when compared to the proficiency of ChatGPT. Nevertheless, this does not pose a significant concern, as MagicSchool AI excels in other areas, and when in need of a chatbot, I prefer opting for ChatGPT. It is worth noting that several AIs harness the capabilities of ChatGPT, making it a logical choice to go straight to the primary source.


Free version for Educators – it is stated that it will always be free for individual teachers (Saved output history, resources, and threads)
Plus Version: $8.33 per month (For users of MagicSchool who want unlimited usage and plus features)


During the ISTE23 event, I had the delightful opportunity to engage with the creator of MagicSchool AI, and what struck me most was the revelation that one of the masterminds behind this innovative platform was a former educator and school administrator.This personal connection with the education field resonated with me on a profound level, instilling confidence in the company’s understanding of the intricate needs and nuances of educators. I saw a lot of AI tools but Magic School AI is the one I continue to use.

Final Thoughts

MagicSchool AI is particularly valuable for those embarking on their AI journey. It provides educators with a seamless entry point to explore how AI can be harnessed to save time. The prospect of diverse options for differentiation is genuinely thrilling, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing the platform’s continual enhancements in the upcoming weeks, months, and years. We stand on the brink of a revolutionary era, imagining the possibilities that lie ahead. Undoubtedly, MagicSchool AI is a steadfast ally for educators, offering unparalleled support in our ever-evolving educational landscape

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