• The Art and Necessity of the Signature

    When emailing someone it is very easy to forget to include a clear email signature. I cannot tell you how many emails I have received and I am not sure which district a person is from. This is important as a librarian because we resource share. Rather than having to Google or use our library directory please save your receiver a step and include a detailed signature. This could include: You know who you are but when you are emailing outside of your district or company make it easier for your reader.  Include a signature. You can create one very…

  • Embracing Equity: The Power of Interactive Digital Notebooks

    Interactive Digital Notebooks (IDNs) are one of my favorite digital tools that can offer many benefits for educators, students, and school librarians alike. Let’s explore some of the advantages of uses these with students and in my case teachers.  They positively impact education in so many ways.  Interactive Digital Notebooks are a way to organize information in their essence. “A tool that allows students to learn interact with, reflect on, fill out, all digitally. It empowers students by teaching 21st century skills as well as taking ownership of their study time using digital tools.  It is not just a Just…